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Monday 2 January 2017

भारत का स्विट्जर्लेंड औली | indian hill station auli

ऊँचे ऊँचे आसमान छूते सफ़ेद चमकीले पहाड़ मीलों दूर तक फैली सफ़ेद बर्फ की चादर दूर दूर तक दिखते बर्फीली चोटियों के दिलकश नज़ारे ! नहीं भई इसके लिए स्विट्जर्लेंड जाने की जरुरत नही ऐसी जगह तो हमारे पास भी मोजूद है हम बात कर रहे हैं औली की जो की उत्तराखंड में है । यहाँ का नजदीकी रेल्वे स्टेशन है हरिद्वार । हरिद्वार से लगभग 275 किलोमीटर दूर है जोशीमठ ,जोशीमठ से 16 किलोमीटर दूर है ओली । 

उत्तराखंड के सबसे उपरी भाग पर स्थित औली भारत का सबसे बड़ा स्कीइंग स्थल है जो कि लगभग 3 किलोमीटर लंबा ढलान है । वैसे तो यहाँ हर समय तापमान 0 डिग्री से नीचे रहता है मगर फ़िर भी यहाँ आने के लिए दिसम्बर से मार्च तक का समय ठीक रहता है । यहाँ का तेज रफ्तार केबल सिस्टम ( रोप वे ) देवदार के व्रक्षौं के ऊपर से होते ढलानों के उपरी छोर तक पहुंचाता है जिससे ऊपर चढ़ने की थकावट की चिंता नहीं रहती । यहाँ ढलानों के रख रखाव के लिए आयातित स्नो पेकिंग मशीनों की व्यवस्था है जो ढलानों पर पपड़ी नही ज़माने देती और उन्हें व्यवस्थित रखती हैं । यहाँ गढ़वाल विकास निगम द्वारा देनिक, 7 दिवसीय (प्रमाण पत्र रहित ) और 14 दिवसीय (प्रमाण पत्र सहित ) स्कीइंग प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम जनवरी से मार्च तक चलाए जाते हैं ।

यहाँ आएं तो यहाँ का 3048 मीटर की ऊंचाई पर स्थित चारागाह जिसे यहाँ की स्थानीय भाषा में बुग्याल कहा जाता है देखना न भूलें । यहाँ की प्राकर्तिक सुन्दरता देखते ही बनती है यहाँ से हिमालय का नजारा इतना अदभुत दिखता हे कि आप देखते ही रह जाएँगे यहाँ पर स्कीइंग की सुविधा भी उपलब्ध है । तो फ़िर देर किस बात की जल्दी औली जाने का प्रोग्राम बनाइये और भारत में ही स्विट्जर्लेंड का मजा लीजिये यकीन मानिये यह एक ऐसा प्राकर्तिक खूबसूरत स्थल है जिसके सामने स्विट्जर्लेंड की खूबसूरती बौनी पड़ जाए ।

Thursday 29 December 2016

Place Making Parang In Kota Belud Sabah

Blog courtsey:
To Kota Belud from Kota Kinabalu not la difficult. Only about 1 hour car drive, through a federal road, you will find a small town famous for its production of machetes and daggers. Place Making Parang In Kota Belud Sabah become an icon known since time immemorial and he said, parang produced here between the best quality.

There are many locals became a blacksmith and a blacksmith who can grind and form a parang or machete. Here, it's like a paradise for those with an interest in the result of a blacksmith who makes a collection of machetes, knives, daggers or chicken spurs and other iron-based weapons.

Make Parang place in Kota Belud

We had met with filial who undertake the manufacture of iron in Kota Belud. Not far from this small town, small companies as they undertake work side make machetes, daggers and a few more tools related to iron as decorative and daily use.

The results have been prepared, such as machetes and daggers attached to the sheath, usually sold in the town of Kota Belud to be income. There are also, according to Mr. Adi, he was also sending a machete or machete ordered by their customers using post throughout Malaysia.

How much parang or machetes sold in Kota Belud? It's no secret. If you want to know, have to watch travelogue draft Memorandum of Mutual Travel Channel MrJocko RTM1 later.

Whatever, MrJocko excited when the opportunity to learn how to create a machete or cleaver in Kota Belud. It is different from the previous location as in Pendang, Kedah and Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan.

To be sure of making a machete in Kota Belud, there is the uniqueness of its own. Therefore, parang or machete from Kota Belud to be preferred iron fans in Malaysia. do not believe? Can try to stop by and see for yourself machete and knife collection are available in Bajau of Kota Belud.

Experience At Peak Observation Decks of Burj Khalifa Dubai

Blog courtsey:
Burj Khalifa or "Khalifa Tower", known in English is the highlight destination MrJocko trip to Dubai. The tallest tower formerly known as Burj Dubai prior to opening. Spire of a building hailed as the tallest skyscraper in the world, located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Perhaps many do not know the height of the Burj Al Khalifa is as high as 829.80 m (2,722 ft) accommodates hotels, office buildings and some residential units.

Construction of Burj Khalifa began in 2004, with the exterior completed in 2009. The main structure of reinforced concrete. The building opened in 2010, as part of a new development called Downtown Dubai.

The building was named in honor of the government of Abu Dhabi and President of the United Arab Emirates, Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan; Abu Dhabi and Dubai UAE government lends money to pay its debts.

Burj Khalifa was designed by Skidmore, Owings and Merrill (SOM), which is also the designer of the Willis Tower and the World Trade Centre first, and Hyder Consulting to be the supervising engineer selected by Norr Group International Consultants Limited chosen to oversee the architectural project.

The design of Burj Khalifa is derived from patterning systems embodied in Islamic architecture that incorporates cultural and historical elements particular to the region as a tower circle. Y-shaped plan is designed for residential use and hotels. A buttressed core structural system used to support the building height, and the coating system is designed to withstand temperatures of summer in Dubai. A total of 57 elevators and 8 escalators installed, the elevator has a capacity of 12 to 14 people per cabin.

At the beginning of the construction of the Burj Khalifa, there are a number of issues arise and become controversial, but it's getting better day and received numerous awards over the years and is now a proud citizen of the United Arab Emirates, particularly Dubai.

No need to take it to the Burj Khalifa. Indeed, everyone will say 'I Want Observation Decks & Experience The Burj Khalifa'. From the observation decks are excited to see Burj Khalifa, let alone if you have the opportunity to climb up to the top. Thank God, things MrJocko together other partners are at the top of Burj Khalifa Observation Decks 125 and 124 🙂

Hopefully, if we go to Dubai, wanted to ride up to the top ... Amen ...

Thanks Emirates Dubai Tourism and fulfilled dreams as MrJocko to climb the world's tallest tower, the Burj Al Khalifa Dubai.

Wednesday 28 December 2016


Blog Courtsey:
Another somewhat surprising discovery when stunning images captured last week from a low-flying helicopter in the Amazon forest shows a group of tribes, probably the last one that has never been in touch with the outside world.
This may be Aboriginal Last Not Connected With Modern Humans

When the outside world is changing rapidly, there are still people who live as their ancestors thousands of years ago.

The tribe is said to be semi-nomadic life deep in the rainforests of Brazil near the Peruvian border.

When the helicopter was flying low, clan looked alarmed and seen running out of their huts to hide behind a tree. Some men were seen acting bold, primitive releases an arrow, aiming helicopter.

Source: National Geographic

Crafting the ultimate to-do list for the new year

Blog Courtsey:
By the time your calendar reads January 1, you’ll be feeling the effects of your cookie binge and eyeing the treadmill that’s been mocking you from the corner for the last few months. There is no better way to procrastinate your way out of workout goals or overdue emails than planning your epic adventures for 2017. There are plenty of reasons to get out there and explore this great big world of ours, and no shortage of exciting things happening next year that should lure you off the couch and into the greatest adventure of your life. Here are a few things to add to the ultimate 2017 bucket list.

Hop a flight to Cuba for the first time

Flight service to Cuba is officially underway, and you’ve probably been waiting a lifetime to check out the white-sand beaches and vibrant culture of this island. Since 2017 will be the first full year in recent memory that Americans can travel freely to Cuba, put a visit on your travel bucket list and book your tickets today. Once you’re there, spend your mornings traipsing through Old Havana and lazy afternoons lounging on Varadero Beach. Tour the Morro Castle and sink your teeth into street food like pork hamburgers and coconut pies.

Visit Banff National Park for free
In celebration of their 150th birthday, Canucks are letting everyone into their national parks for free during all of 2017. If a trip to Banff has been on your radar, this is the year to pull the trigger on a wilderness adventure north of the border. Put on some hiking shoes and tackle the trails, or take a breathtaking gondola ride to the top of Sulphur Mountain. Visit the Cave and Basin National Historic Site where natural hot springs mark the spot considered the birthplace of Canada’s national park system.

Viewfinder Tip: Head to Hamburg’s Fischmarkt on Sunday morning to pick up fresh fruit and other snacks from the waterfront stalls.
See a show in Hamburg’s brand new concert hall.

Even if you weren’t creating an epic bucket list, things to do in Hamburg could easily convince you to get a stamp from Deutschland on your passport. But aside from the routine appeal of St. Pauli Piers and the Reeperbahn, there is a special reason to visit Hamburg in 2017. The much-awaited official opening of the Elbphilharmonie concert hall is scheduled for January, accompanied by a 3-week festival. Make history by seeing a show at the spectacular venue in its first year, then take a helicopter ride above the skyline to see the feat of architecture from the sky.

Support Honolulu’s newest art festival

We don’t have to twist your arm to get you to go to Hawaii. There are lots of bucket list ideas here, from surfing for the first time to attending an authentic luau. But this year there is another reason to book a trip to Hawaii’s capital city. The destination will host the Honolulu Biennial 2017, a first-time contemporary art festival that celebrates all kinds of visual art from the Pacific region. Taking place between March 8 and May 8, the festival will exhibit work at venues like Honolulu Hale and the Foster Botanical Garden. While you’re in this water sport capital, sign up for an outrigger canoe surfing experience or try stand up paddle boarding.

Watch the total solar eclipse in Great Smoky National Park

There may not be a total eclipse of your heart this year, but the moon has an appointment with the sun on August 21, 2017. The ideal viewing spots for this total solar eclipse are in a ribbon of terrain about 70 miles wide that runs from Oregon to South Carolina. The western half of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in Tennessee is prime territory to see the event, and the park is organizing official viewing parties at places like Clingmans Dome and Cades Cover. While you’re visiting, check off a few other things on your adventure bucket list, such as hiking the Laurel Falls Trail and biking the Gatlinburg Trail.

Monday 26 December 2016

35 Solo Travel Destinations for Christmas and New Years


Antarctica is recommended by Karina. “I’ve done Antarctica for Xmas as a solo.”


Cape Town is recommended by Lize. “For the winelands, beaches, forest, mountains.”
Marrakech, Morocco is recommended by Riad. “You’ll get to enjoy the wonders of the city, the monuments, the souks, the food, a camel ride, ski in the Atlas Mountains, day trip to the surrounding villages… All in one city AND it’s sunny even in December.”


This bridge in the Monkey Forest near Ubud, Bali leads to the Holy Spring Bathing Temple.
Tokyo, Japan is recommended by T.C. “Decorations everywhere, but everything is much more low key and uniquely Japanese.”
Vietnam is recommended by Jennifer. “I’d go just about anywhere in Vietnam solo, but specifically Hoi An & Hue are lovely.”

The Americas

Galapagos, Ecuador is recommended by Jasmine. “I’m going to the Galapagos for New Year’s. Will be solo, but with like-minded adventurers on a boat. “ :)
Guadalajara, Mexico is recommended by Jenny who “spent Christmas at a homestay where they celebrate their Christmas dinner and opening of gifts on 24/12. An experience to remember.”
Peru is recommended by Kay because “everyone goes to the beach for the holidays…” It’s also recommended by Jennifer: “Condor Travel in Peru is excellent at putting together custom tours.”
phone case
The Solo Traveler icon subtly tells other solo travelers that you’re one of them. Get it on your phone case, luggage tag, water bottle or simply a pin.
United States
Boston, Massachusetts is recommended by Mira. Book a hotel downtown, close to malls & restaurants and with a pool and hot tub – fabulous!
Disney World, Florida is recommended by Tania. “For a magical experience – hands down”
New York City, New York is recommended by Carol. “New York City has wonderful decorations and Christmas markets. You may want to sleep off Manhattan island to get a cheaper room and commute in using mass transit. There’s nowhere to park and it’s outrageously expensive”. NYC is also recommended by Kathleen – “I live near New York, and I would think that it or any diverse city would be fun–there are always a lot of people who either don’t celebrate or are completely over the Christmas thing, so you would be free to focus your attention on other things.” Read: Affordable New York City: 32 Free and Low-Cost Tips
Phoenix/Scottsdale, Arizona is recommended by Micheline. “I definitely recommend the Phoenix/Scottsdale area. The botanical garden and the zoo are decorated in festive lights. The winter sky is a beautiful color. The temperature is just right, usually 70s Fahrenheit. Many restaurants have outdoor patios and it’s so pretty to watch the sunset.”
Red Mountain Resort, Utah is recommended by Martha. “Have only been in the fall and it’s not for anyone looking to save money but it’s fabulous. They even have a communal dining table if you’ve a mind to socialize.”
Sedona, Arizona. Trina says “Christmas in Sedona. It’s a lovely time of year to visit, not too cold and still able to go hiking!”
Tucson, AZ Miraval Resort & Spa in the Santa Catalina Mountains in northern Tucson is recommended by René – “You can be as active or as chill as you want at this resort. The location is beautiful, and the food is fantastic!”
Washington, DC is recommended by Micheline. It’s “wonderful at the holidays. The city is beautifully decorated, and the White House is gorgeous during Christmas. It’s become a great restaurant town, too, and there are lots of holiday dishes on menus. Don’t worry about cold weather, it’s a temperate place.”
prague christmas carpe.001Read about the Christmas Carp in Prague here.


Budapest, Hungary is recommended by Sereina “for a winter Christmas. New Zealand for summer one … both are beautiful and have lots to offer at a good price.”
London, England is recommended by Bella. I spent Christmas in London last year and LOVED it! If you go, take a night tour of London and see it all lit up, especially the lovely tree at Buckingham Palace. Check out our posts on London: Affordable London! 32 free and low-cost tips and Marylebone, London & Christmas Magic on Oxford Street
Christmas Markets in Germany are recommended by Karla. “I go every year to the Christmas Markets . I absolutely love them! And I’m never lonely.”
Nuremberg, Germany is recommended by Shannon. “The traditional Christmas market is an amazing experience.”

Paris, France is recommended by Micheline. Paris is festive at Christmas. Try to arrive a day or two ahead, so you can get your bearings and figure out your plan for the holiday. Before Christmas, you can see the fascinating Buche de Noel displays in bakery windows. While many restaurants close for Christmas itself, hotel restaurants serve and Paris has some wonderful ones. Be sure to take a stroll or a cab ride to see the lights.
Prague, Czech Republic is recommended by Shweta who says “Prague..possibly the BEST city to celebrate Christmas and New Year’s! Tracey also wrote about her time there in this post, Christmas Carp: Sold in Prague.
Seville is recommended by Sarah. “I went last year and loved it. So tapas Christmas for us!”
Barcelona is recommended by Amanda. Barcelona was brilliant at Christmas. They don’t make a big fuss and the local shops and the eateries remain open. I stayed in a lovely little B&B whose breakfast was enough to keep me going all day. The weather was mild and the sights not too crowded. Best solo Christmas ever
Vienna, Austria is recommended by Grace. “I would definitely recommend Vienna as a Christmas destination. Aside from being solo friendly with a phenomenally efficient and navigable transport system, the whole city has a wonderful traditional Christmas feel to it, especially after dark when the light displays come into their own! Throw in the smell of mulled wine and gingerbread, and you’ve got yourself a magical Christmas experience.”
Paris and London are recommended by Suzanne. “I’ve spent Thanksgiving in Paris and London over the years – it’s a great time to see the holiday decorations as well as the Christmas markets which are open yet it’s not too cold. My dream New Year’s Eve is Sydney someday soon.”

Emily went to Iceland solo at Christmas. You can read about her trip here.

Middle East

Jordan is recommended by Catherine. “It’s my favourite country and I had a fantastic tour there over Christmas a couple of years ago. So much to see and do, amazing food, such friendly people and Petra is absolutely fantastic. Sadly, due to the situation in the Middle East tourist numbers have dropped drastically but I understand it’s still perfectly safe. You may even get Petra almost to yourself.”


Alice Springs to Darwin by train is recommended by Joanne. “I did the Ghan train trip on Christmas from Alice Springs to Darwin…but it does go from Adelaide then to Alice Springs and up to Darwin!”
Bondi Beach is recommended by Roxana.
Sydney is recommended by Les for Christmas/New Year. The weather is a little different there that time of year than it is in the Upper Midwest.
New Zealand is recommended by the bloggers at Indie Travel Podcast. “I’d have to recommend New Zealand for Christmas, it’s summer and lovely! If you’re travelling solo, you could hop on the Stray Backpacker bus for an instant group of friends but with the flexibility to hop on and hop off when you like.”
Amber, another solo traveler, and I before a horse drawn tour of the Bavarian forest.
Taking a river cruise I met Amber, another solo traveler. If I want company I can usually find it traveling solo.

Will You Feel Lonely Being Alone for the Holidays?

And then the question arose…
Magdalene. “I hope it’s not a silly question… but do you feel lonely travelling alone on festive season such as Christmas?”
And the answers came
Emily. “Christmas two years ago… I was pretty terrified about it and really not looking forward to spending Christmas alone but it was awesome! Those Nordic countries really know how to keep Christmas festive!”
Panache. “Once you realise how peaceful and interesting it is to spend time with yourself, you are ready to go, no matter what the season. Festive or not. I feel totally blessed.”
Catherine. “I never feel lonely travelling over Christmas but then I started doing it to escape my family! Maybe you’d feel less that way by doing a group tour? I’ve met some amazing people who have become firm friends doing that.”
Sherryl. “As a single childless adult with family in far flung places in the world, it became quite normal to go off by myself on a diving vacation almost every year. I quite enjoy it and often pick out something spectacular to do on the 25th.”
Jill. “Yes. Traveling means being alone and not being judged and compared by others.”

About Adams

During my studies, I am spending my more time to visit location popular places. One day I was sitting on a hill and thought about the knowledgeable thing which I know. I was thinking like this because after studies , I need some professional skills for doing a business or a job. At that time a decided that I was going in travelling Background. From that day I am visiting location day to day and doing my full time job on this.

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