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Monday 19 December 2016


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Footprints in the sand.
Many times we go miles for dreamlike landscapes, and we do not realize that beauty and enjoyment can be, "just around the corner."

Date: May 2016.
Location: Necochea - Atlantic Coast Bonaerense - Argentina.
Vehicles: 3 Hilux - 3 Runner - 1 SW4 and 1 Ram.
Images: Gabriela, Walter A, Abriendo Huellas and own.

We had finished a big job that took us all the month of April ...... the "batteries" were half loaded, when the phone rings and our friend Dany de Brandsen, proposes a group exit for the dunes of Necochea. .; There we became aware that we had never driven on that surface.

Zooming in, he tells us that together with Walter Nosei, they have formed a group dedicated to cruises ("Abriendo Huellas 4x4") and would like to be part of this experimental debut, where they would see their ability to organize for future departures. Really the proposal was irresistible !! ..... when we left ?, was our answer.

We started from the Queen of Plata to Coronel Brandsen, where along with Dany and Marquitos (Hilux) we continued in tandem towards a Complex of Cabañas to the south of the City of Necochea; (4), and Walter (4), Daniel and Ms. (4Runner), Gabriela and Dani (Ram) And ...... to our surprise, from the City of Neuquén Mauricio Montenegro and Familia (4Runner).

Partial view of the complex in the southern sector of Necochea, where we stayed.

At night we had to "suffer", the first gastronomic experiments ......

The Guinea Pigs, subjected to the "barbarism" of meat and alcohol ....
The Chronicler was the "new" ..... the "debutante" ..... "the rookie", but within a few minutes we felt surrounded by affection and affection. Delighted, we set out to listen and learn from such affable and experienced "areneros". It was a magnificent night !!!

We got up and quickly the Caravan set off towards the South. Next to the sand we stop to deflate the tires.

At that moment, there appeared some "gadgets" that are screwed into the valve of the rim and ..... magically lower the pounds to the desired pressure. Wonderful!!! (1st lesson).

Finished the task of deflating, we were approached by a VHF team to keep us connected and ...... heading for the arena !!

Walter Nosei (one of the Profe) told us the course. We started from the city by the beach with permanent income to the dunes along 80 km, where we would pass by the Spa San Cayetano, Pesquero Pagrus, the famous Archi Medano Blanco, the stream Cristiano Muerto, until arriving at the town of Orense How are you?

We started with some small dunes, to go toning the body ....

The instructors "pending" of the maneuvers of Bombón (with the Rookie in .....)

Great setting.

We approached the star of this crossing: the Medano Blanco ....... impressive !!!

Agarrate Catalina!!!!!

Beautiful views from the top of the dune.

Daniel S and Gabriela .... "walking" with the magnificent RAM. (500 hp with chipeo !!!!!)

Daniel S and Gabriela .... "walking" with the magnificent RAM. (500 hp with chipeo !!!!!)

Mauricio ducho in travesías, adapted quickly to the land, with style and class.

What a good moment, we watched all the maneuvers of the Marplatense Band, moving like fish in the water ...

RichardMDQ ..... lecturing.

Daniel "El Barba" ..... a luxury !!, surfing.

Walter A y la SW4, enfierrada.

At this point of the voyage, we were gaining confidence with the permanent and accurate advice of the Boys. One of them: "........ Alberto ... never double on a steep climb .....". (2nd lesson)

Sorry!!!! Do not listen well

Total silence ..... suddenly !! The Band Marplatense is rammed over Bombón and a Lord with Beard says: DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING ...... dear Alberto ..... (Editor's note: looking at it in perspective, I think we were in trouble.)

After the rescue, Dany de Brandsen was trying to calm the crowd that cried out for an exemplary punishment ...

Once the moment was over, the fun continued ........

Air Festival in front of the Argentine Sea Costas

Dany de Brandsen

Pure adrenaline!!.

After the "pardon" we had to compensate our hosts. Modulating on the radio, you hear: "..... do not stingy the accelerator ok? ..."

Fly !!! Bombon .... Fly !!!

Bug are you okay?

Beautiful and stiff .........

Relax .....; We stopped to enjoy a rich bite .....

We continued ..... the Pagrus was waiting for us.

Walter Nosei, refreshing his impeccable Hilux.

The hours advanced without realizing and we were with a coastal classic: the Pagrus and the group photo.

What good times we were living, the camaraderie, the friendly treatment were complemented by the harmony of the landscape ...

The lights of the day were fading, he found us arriving at the Spa Orense.

We grouped together to inflate the tires and exchange vivid anecdotes.

......y con esta sonrisa de Dani S, que refleja el espíritu de esta hermosa jornada.....

...... we said goodbye, happy to open footprints .....

See you soon, travelers from Latitudes.

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About Adams

During my studies, I am spending my more time to visit location popular places. One day I was sitting on a hill and thought about the knowledgeable thing which I know. I was thinking like this because after studies , I need some professional skills for doing a business or a job. At that time a decided that I was going in travelling Background. From that day I am visiting location day to day and doing my full time job on this.

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